Every vibrating machine is different, OLI knows it.
Vibrating equipment has long been a reliable and efficient solution for a wide range of material handling needs. For over 60 years, OLI has made the process of material handling, screening, separating, and discharging simple and efficient with its vibrating equipment.
As OLI, we are able to meet the needs of every customer, from mining to milling, pharmaceuticals to foundries, and beyond.
OLI: When you need it, where you need it.
The OLI range of industrial vibrators can be used in a wide range of application sectors, from construction to the mining industry, from the food industry to the recycling industry, in every country in the world. OLI electric vibrating motors are capable of generating a centrifugal force up to 40,000 kg and are available in multiple voltages.
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The vibrators are designed to meet the needs of both large and small contractors, offering high-performance.
Our OLI vibrators are manufactured using cutting-edge technology, premium materials, and components. We use high-quality aluminum alloy, cast iron, and steel alloy to assemble the motor bodies, support flanges, and shafts, which have been designed with FMEA criteria in mind. As a result, our vibrators can handle heavy-duty applications while delivering exceptional performance and safety in all conditions.
The use of Class F insulating materials that are vacuum-impregnated increases the dependability and durability of our vibrators. Our high-quality bearings and reliable grease sealing system provide long-lasting performance with minimal noise. Additionally, the adjustable eccentric masses make it easy to calibrate the centrifugal force produced by the motor to suit each individual application.

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Värähtelymoottorit , Elektriske motovibratorer Vibrerende motorer OLI